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The Bonekeeper Chronicles

In an alternate Victorian London, men transformed by the madness of rogue science guard the dead, speak to ghosts, and find redemption in the women who love them.

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The World of Master of Crows

Welcome to a world of heretic wizards, corrupt gods, demon kings, and treasured orange groves, where the sorcerer, Silhara of Neith and the ex-slave Martise of Asher live out their lives amidst the magic of an ancient land.

Click on any book for details.

The World of Wraith Kingsggg

In a time when the last of the Elder races live alongside the younger race of humans, these two peoples unite in marriage and in war to save a world and each other.

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The Fallen Empire

The Kraelian Empire has ruled with an iron fist for centuries, its grip unyielding until the power of three women, and the men devoted to them, break it.

Click on any book for details.

Other Works

All items in this section can be read as stand alone stories. These may or may not be part of another World, but everything therein can be read exclusively. These are not required to fully understand the events of their associated series.

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